Talisman Jewellery ~ the power of it!

In the ancient world, talismans and amulets were the ultimate power players, summoning protection with their earthly stones and symbolism and ornaments.

Worn for thousands of years, cultures the world over have found comfort in talismans that ranged in purpose from healing, guidance, fertility & good fortune to safe passage in the afterlife.

Typically a Talisman is a wearable object like a charm, ring, pendant or stone which in ancient & modern times is thought to bring the wearer protection & good luck.

For example the ancient Egyptian people wore the ankh amulets, they believed it would protect them from harm. Ankhs were also used as powerful tools in magical ceremonies, healing practices and initiations.

Travelling forward to modern times, many now wear this symbol to attract good fortune & success.

Check out my stunning talisman adornments from the mystic moments collection.

ankh amulet NZ
